mercredi 11 mai 2016

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Trump: I don’t expect to release my tax returns before November

Posted: 11 May 2016 07:40 AM PDT

Trump: I don't expect to release my tax returns before NovemberIn a reversal, Donald Trump no longer appears eager to release his tax returns before the November election. Trump said in a Tuesday interview with The Associated Press that an ongoing Internal Revenue Service audit was his primary reason for not releasing documents. Trump, the presumptive GOP nominee, has for months declined to release his tax returns while citing an audit.

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Heidi Cruz compares her husband’s failed presidential campaign to the fight against slavery

Posted: 11 May 2016 06:44 AM PDT

Heidi Cruz compares her husband's failed presidential campaign to the fight against slavery"It took 25 years to defeat slavery. That is a lot longer than four years."

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Trump to face Republican party sceptics in Capitol Hill visit

Posted: 11 May 2016 06:25 AM PDT

Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to supporters in Charleston, West VirginiaBy Steve Holland and Susan Cornwell WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will visit Republican lawmakers on Thursday, but instead of what is usually just a rite on the road to the nomination, Trump will face pressure to tone down his rhetoric and clarify his policy positions as a step toward unifying the fractured party. Trump's takeover of the Republican Party has shaken the party's establishment and prompted soul-searching over whether to reluctantly get behind him or cede any role in the Nov. 8 presidential election, when Hillary Clinton is expected to be the Democratic nominee. Republican officials and lawmakers say Trump has the potential to appeal to a greater number of Republican voters but must make changes to make party leaders more comfortable with him.

Car bomb in Baghdad's Sadr City kills 50 - police, medics

Posted: 11 May 2016 03:25 AM PDT

People gather at the scene of a car bomb attack in Baghdad's mainly Shi'ite district of Sadr CityA car bomb claimed by Islamic State in a Shi'ite Muslim district of Baghdad killed at least 50 people and wounded more than 60 others on Wednesday, Iraqi police and hospital sources said. The SUV packed with explosives went off near a beauty salon in a bustling market at rush hour in Sadr City. Amaq news agency, which supports Islamic State, said a suicide bomber had targeted Shi'ite militia fighters.

Trump, GOP trying to come together as needs align

Posted: 11 May 2016 01:20 AM PDT

House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wis. arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 10, 2016. Ryan is expected to meet with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Thursday, May 12, 2016. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump and Republican Party leaders are confronting an uncomfortable new reality: They may not like each other, but they may need each other.

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Key Republicans swing behind Trump; he takes 2 primaries

Posted: 10 May 2016 08:18 PM PDT

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Ky., with, from left, Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)WASHINGTON (AP) — Key Senate Republicans voiced optimism Tuesday about Donald Trump's presidential prospects in November, the clearest signal yet to the GOP rank and file to unite behind him and turn their energy against Democrat Hillary Clinton. But it was uncertain whether the doubters could be quieted.

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3 dead, 2 injured in separate attacks at mall and home

Posted: 10 May 2016 07:24 PM PDT

3 dead, 2 injured in separate attacks at mall and homeThree people were killed and two others injured Tuesday in separate attacks at a shopping mall and a home in Massachusetts, and the suspect was one of the dead, authorities said. State police said a man ...

Hillary fights two battles as Bernie wins another Democratic primary

Posted: 10 May 2016 06:50 PM PDT

Hillary fights two battles as Bernie wins another Democratic primaryHillary Clinton lost West Virginia Tuesday night to rival Bernie Sanders, continuing her slog through the Democratic primary even as she spent the past week fending off attacks from presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump. The former secretary of state has a near-lock on the Democratic nomination, but continues to lose states to Sanders, who hammers on her as a creature of Wall Street at his rallies that still draw thousands of supporters. Trump, meanwhile, now clear of any GOP rivals, has spent the past week directing all his considerable fire at her.

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'Database error' mistakenly includes white nationalist on Trump list of Calif. delegates

Posted: 10 May 2016 06:13 PM PDT

Attorney William Johnson, a leader of the American Freedom Party and self-proclaimed white nationalist, pauses for photos in his office, Tuesday, May 10, 2016, in Los Angeles. Donald Trump's campaign says a computer problem resulted in the prominent white nationalist being included on a list of his potential California delegates. The campaign says the name has been withdrawn and a corrected list resubmitted to state officials. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)LOS ANGELES (AP) — Donald Trump's campaign said Tuesday that a computer problem resulted in a prominent white nationalist being mistakenly included on a list of his potential California delegates, an embarrassment for a candidate who has been criticized before for being too slow to distance himself from former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

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Trump wins West Virginia, as Sanders aims for victory there

Posted: 10 May 2016 05:20 PM PDT

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks with young parents during a roundtable discussion at the Family Care Center in Lexington, Ky., Tuesday, May 10, 2016. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — His White House dreams fading, Bernie Sanders aimed to add another state to his tally over Hillary Clinton with a win in West Virginia on Tuesday night.

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Warrant: Minnesota doctor saw Prince, prescribed drugs

Posted: 10 May 2016 04:12 PM PDT

U.S. musician Prince performs for the first time in Britain since 2007 at the Hop Farm Festival near Paddock WoodCHANHASSEN, Minn. (AP) — A Minnesota doctor saw Prince twice in the month before his death, including the day before he died, and prescribed him medication, according to contents of search warrant that was revealed Tuesday even as authorities revisited the musician's estate.

Report: Bullying is a serious public health problem

Posted: 10 May 2016 03:34 PM PDT

FILE - In this Sept. 4, 2012 file photo, a student at Indian Lake Elementary in Kalamazoo, Mich., boards a bus on the first day of school. Bullying is a WASHINGTON (AP) — Zero-tolerance policies are ineffective in combating bullying, an independent government advisory group says in urging schools to take a more preventative approach that includes teaching tolerance to address this "serious public health problem."

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Utah's First-in-Nation Fetal Pain Law Perplexes Doctors

Posted: 10 May 2016 02:55 PM PDT

Utah's first-in-the-nation requirement that fetuses receive anesthesia or painkillers before some abortions has taken effect, but doctors say it's unnecessary and impossible to comply with

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