dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Conservative website funded research that led to Donald Trump Russia dossier 

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 06:29 AM PDT

Conservative website funded research that led to Donald Trump Russia dossier A conservative website with strong ties to the Republican establishment triggered the investigation into Donald Trump's past that ultimately produced a dossier alleging a compromised relationship between the president and the Kremlin. The Washington Free Beacon website confirmed it originally retained the political research firm Fusion GPS to scour Mr Trump's background. The website is largely funded by Republican billionaire Paul Singer. It insisted none of the early material it collected went on to appear in the dossier compiled by former MI6 agent Christopher Steele which made claims of links between Mr Trump and Russia. These links are denied by Mr Trump. In a statement the Free Beacon said: "During the 2016 election cycle we retained Fusion GPS to provide research on multiple candidates in the Republican presidential primary, just as we retained other firms to assist in our research into Hillary Clinton. "The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele." Mr Singer was backing Senator Marco Rubio in the race for the Republican presidential nomination at the time of the Free Beacon's involvement.  Mr Rubio denied any knowledge of the Fusion research or the dossier. He said: "As far as whether it was my campaign, it wasn't and I'll tell you why. I was running for president. I was trying to win. If I had anything against Donald Trump that was relevant and credible and politically damaging, I would have used it. I didn't have it." Earlier this week it emerged the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee continued paying for Fusion's work after the original Republican funding source lost interest. Mr Trump this week called it a "disgrace" that Democrats had helped pay for research that produced the dossier, but the original source of the research had remained a secret until the Free Beacon's statement.

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Your Personality Type May Be Sabotaging Your Exercise Goals

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 05:36 AM PDT

Your Personality Type May Be Sabotaging Your Exercise GoalsIt's no secret that your character traits directly affect how you interact with the world ― but you might be surprised at just how deep it goes.

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Putin takes part in Russian military drills, fires missiles

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 03:44 AM PDT

Putin takes part in Russian military drills, fires missilesMOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin has taken part in major military drills of Russian nuclear forces and personally directed the test-firing of four intercontinental ballistic missiles as part of the exercises, the Kremlin said Friday.

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Kenya opposition warns of violence if "forced election" held

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 02:51 AM PDT

Kenya opposition warns of violence if By Ed Cropley and George Obulutsa NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenya's opposition rejected the nation's election re-run as "a sham" and said on Friday that plans to reorganise voting in its western strongholds where polls did not open risked provoking further violence and should be cancelled. President Uhuru Kenyatta has won over 96 percent of votes counted so far, according to a local media tally of numbers released, but his second term mandate is weak with turnout below 35 percent and a vote undermined by clashes. The vote has exposed Kenya's deep political and ethnic divisions as violence flared and court cases drag on.

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2 NYPD Officers Charged After 18-Year-Old Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted in Police Van

Posted: 29 Oct 2017 01:57 AM PDT

2 NYPD Officers Charged After 18-Year-Old Claims She Was Sexually Assaulted in Police VanThe alleged incident took place in September after the teen was pulled over.

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Yes he can: Barack Obama plans to show up for jury duty, says judge

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 10:48 PM PDT

Yes he can: Barack Obama plans to show up for jury duty, says judgeJudge says Obama 'made it crystal-clear he would carry out his public duty as a citizen and resident of this community'. Barack Obama has been called for jury duty and the former US president plans to show up, according to court officials. The chief judge of Cook County, Illinois, announced at a budget hearing on Friday that Obama would be completing his civic duty next month, the Chicago Tribune reported.

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Elon Musk Shares New Photo of the Boring Co. Tunnel Under LA

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 09:35 PM PDT

Elon Musk Shares New Photo of the Boring Co. Tunnel Under LAThe sci-fi mass transit tunnel in California is becoming a reality.

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Neo-Nazis at Tennessee rallies drowned out by hundreds of counter-protesters

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 07:39 PM PDT

Neo-Nazis at Tennessee rallies drowned out by hundreds of counter-protestersSeveral hundred neo-Nazis and white supremacists held demonstrations in two Tennessee cities - their numbers only a fraction of the counter-protesters who turned out to oppose them. The so-called "White Lives Matter" events were held in Shelbyville and Murfreesboro, located south of Nashville. The rallies named to mimic the "black lives matter" slogan frequently heard at demonstrations protesting police violence against communities of colour, were organised to protest the resettlement of refugees in the state.

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In Kenya election re-run, polling incomplete and next steps uncertain

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 05:55 PM PDT

In Kenya election re-run, polling incomplete and next steps uncertainBy Maggie Fick KISUMU, Kenya (Reuters) - Kenyans who boycotted a repeat presidential election voiced relief on Saturday after authorities indefinitely delayed further attempts to hold the vote in some opposition areas due to the risk of violence. Two days after polling in the rest of the country, voting had been due to take place in four counties where residents blocked roads and clashed with police as part of an opposition boycott. "I'm happy because we need peace, we are tired of being brutally killed by the police," said Henry Kahango, a father of three, in the western city of Kisumu.

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At The Women's Convention, A Clear Message: Follow Black Women In 2018

Posted: 28 Oct 2017 05:23 PM PDT

At The Women's Convention, A Clear Message: Follow Black Women In 2018DETROIT— Hard conversations about race have been at the heart of the Women's March from the moment it began to take shape last fall, and at the Women's Convention in Detroit this weekend, they were front and center once again.

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