mardi 30 octobre 2018

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Lindsey Graham Says He'll Back Trump On Birthright Citizenship With Legislation

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 12:58 PM PDT

Lindsey Graham Says He'll Back Trump On Birthright Citizenship With LegislationSen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Tuesday backed President Donald Trump's vow to

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Erdogan urges Saudi prosecutor to find out who ordered Khashoggi hit

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 12:02 PM PDT

Erdogan urges Saudi prosecutor to find out who ordered Khashoggi hitTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called on Saudi Arabia's chief prosecutor, who visited on Tuesday the consulate in Istanbul where Jamal Khashoggi was murdered, to investigate who ordered the hit on the journalist. Khashoggi's death has brought near unprecedented international scrutiny on Saudi Arabia and its powerful Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, and the journalist's fiancee has accused the regime of a massive cover-up. Erdogan, who says a 15-person team travelled from Riyadh to Istanbul to kill Khashoggi, has pressed Saudi authorities to reveal the truth -- including the location of the Washington Post contributor's missing body.

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Former nurse admits to killing 100 patients in Germany's biggest serial killing case

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 08:39 AM PDT

Former nurse admits to killing 100 patients in Germany's biggest serial killing caseA former nurse has admitted to killing 100 patients on the first day of his trial in the biggest serial killing case in Germany's post-war history. Niels Hoegel, 41, who has already spent close to a decade in prison on a life sentence for other patient deaths, is accused of intentionally overdosing victims so that he could then show off with his attempts to resuscitate them. As the proceedings opened in the northern city of Oldenburg, Sebastian Buehrmann, the presiding judge, asked whether the charges against him were accurate. Hoegel replied quietly "yes". "What I have admitted took place," he told the courtroom crowded with dozens of grieving relatives. As the proceedings began Mr Buehrmann said the main aim of the trial was to establish the full scope of the murder spree that was allowed to go unchecked for years at two German hospitals. Former nurse Niels Hoege may be Germany's most prolific post-war serial killer Credit: Investigators say the final toll could top 200 but fear they might never know for sure because the bodies of many possible victims were cremated. "We will do our utmost to learn the truth," Mr Buehrmann said. "It is like a house with dark rooms - we want to bring light into the darkness." Prosecutors say at least 36 patients were killed at a hospital in Oldenburg where he worked, and about 64 more at a clinic in nearby Delmenhorst, between 2000 and 2005. More than 130 bodies of patients who died on Hoegel's watch have been exhumed, in a case investigators have called "unprecedented in Germany to our knowledge". After a minute of silence in the courtroom for the victims, the bearded, heavyset Hoegel listened impassively, his head lowered, as Daniela Schiereck-Bohlmann, the public prosecutor, read out the name of each dead patient and the charges against the defendant. One of the more than 100 co-plaintiffs in the trial, Christian Marbach, said it was a scandal that Mr Hoegel had been allowed to kill with impunity for such an extended period of time without hospital authorities or law enforcement intervening. "They had everything they needed (to stop him) - you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes," Mr Marbach, the grandson of one of the patients, told AFP. He later expressed surprise about Mr Hoegel's quick confession, which was broadcast on two large screens to the courtroom audience. "I didn't expect it to happen today," he said. Caught in 2005 while injecting an unprescribed medication into a patient in Delmenhorst, Mr Hoegel was sentenced in 2008 to seven years in prison for attempted murder. A second trial followed in 2014-15 under pressure from alleged victims' families, who accused prosecutors of dragging their feet. He was found guilty of murder and attempted murder of five other victims and given the maximum sentence of 15 years. It was then that Mr Hoegel confessed to his psychiatrist at least 30 more murders committed in Delmenhorst. That prompted investigators to take a closer look at suspicious deaths in Oldenburg. After he took the stand Tuesday, Mr Hoegel said that he began taking painkillers shortly after becoming a nurse in 1999 as he felt overwhelmed by the job in the intensive care unit. "It was the stress - I found (the work) easier on medication. I should have quit," he said. Hoegel appears to have followed a similar procedure each time, first injecting a medication that triggered cardiac arrest, followed by an often futile attempt at resuscitation. Prosecutors say he was motivated by vanity, to show off his skills at saving human lives, and by simple "boredom". The choice of victim appears to have been entirely random, with their ages ranging from 34 to 96.

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Turkey presses Saudi to say who sent Khashoggi killers: Erdogan

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 05:59 AM PDT

Turkey presses Saudi to say who sent Khashoggi killers: ErdoganSaudi prosecutor Saud Al Mojeb held talks with Istanbul's prosecutor on Monday and Tuesday about Khashoggi's death in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, which has escalated into a crisis for the world's top oil exporter. Riyadh at first denied any knowledge of, or role in, his disappearance four weeks ago but Mojeb has contradicted those statements, saying the killing of Khashoggi, a critic of de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was premeditated. The case has put into focus the West's close relationship with Saudi Arabia - a major arms buyer and lynchpin of Washington's regional plans to contain Iran - given the widespread scepticism over its initial response.

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Trump calls out media after synagogue shooting

Posted: 30 Oct 2018 02:03 AM PDT

Trump calls out media after synagogue shootingPresident tweets that the 'fake news' must end in order to put out the flame of anger and outrage in the country; Kevin Corke reports from the White House.

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The Latest: 2 funerals set for same day as Trump visit

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 10:50 PM PDT

The Latest: 2 funerals set for same day as Trump visitPITTSBURGH (AP) — The Latest on a deadly shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue (all times local):

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Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: Why was synagogue attack suspect Robert Bowers apparently obsessed with HIAS?

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 09:45 PM PDT

Pittsburgh synagogue shooting: Why was synagogue attack suspect Robert Bowers apparently obsessed with HIAS?Pittsburgh resident Robert Bowers is facing court having been charged with a number of crimes over the deaths of 11 people during a shooting at a synagogue in the city. It is one such message, written by a user with the name Robert Bowers, which has garnered much of the focus. "HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people," he wrote.

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Sarah Sanders Won't Name Which Journalists Trump Considers Enemies Of The People

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 07:43 PM PDT

Sarah Sanders Won't Name Which Journalists Trump Considers Enemies Of The PeopleThings got testy between White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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Bolsonaro Gets Brazilian Oil Windfall With Output Poised to Soar

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 06:42 PM PDT

Bolsonaro Gets Brazilian Oil Windfall With Output Poised to SoarAfter a decade of stagnant production, Brazil's offshore mega-projects are about to deliver a double whammy with exports set to surge and Brent prices comfortably above $70 a barrel. This means more revenue for a country beset with fiscal deficits, and more activity in a key industry, said Decio Oddone, the head of Brazil's National Petroleum Agency. The oil turnaround gives the government more than just cash -- it promises to revive the fortunes of Petrobras, the much-maligned state-controlled state oil company that's a source of pride for many Brazilians but which has spent the past few years mired in scandal.

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Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting: Iranian immigrant raises more than $650,00 for Jewish victims

Posted: 29 Oct 2018 03:14 PM PDT

Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting: Iranian immigrant raises more than $650,00 for Jewish victimsShay Khatiri first heard about the mass shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue from a friend. Mr Khatiri, who had been crashing on his Jewish friend's couch for several months, woke up to see his friend visibly shaken from the tragic news and wanted to do something. "I thought about [making] a small donation, and then I thought it'd be better if I start this campaign," Mr Khatiri told The Independent.

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