dimanche 23 juillet 2017

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Kellyanne Conway explains what she meant by ‘alternative facts’

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 01:30 PM PDT

Kellyanne Conway explains what she meant by 'alternative facts'Six months after launching that infamous phrase into the cultural and political lexicon, President Trump's counselor attempted on Sunday to define what she meant.

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8 found dead in sweltering truck in immigrant smuggling case

Posted: 23 Jul 2017 12:38 PM PDT

8 found dead in sweltering truck in immigrant smuggling caseSAN ANTONIO (AP) — Authorities called to a Walmart parking lot found eight people dead and 20 others in dire condition in the back of a sweltering tractor-trailer, victims of what police said Sunday was an immigrant-smuggling attempt gone wrong.

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Palestinians die in new clashes over Jerusalem holy site

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:20 PM PDT

Palestinians die in new clashes over Jerusalem holy siteTwo Palestinians died in clashes with Israeli forces Saturday as the army moved in to seal off an attacker's home after violence over security measures at an ultra-sensitive holy site. The UN Security Council will hold closed-door talks Monday about the spiralling violence after Egypt, France and Sweden sought a meeting to "urgently discuss how calls for de-escalation in Jerusalem can be supported". The deaths followed bloodshed on Friday, when a 19-year-old Palestinian killed three Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank and three Palestinians died in clashes with Israeli forces.

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The Democrats' performance as an opposition party? Pathetic | Steven W Thrasher

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 07:02 PM PDT

The Democrats' performance as an opposition party? Pathetic | Steven W ThrasherSix months into Donald Trump's term, and Democratic politician's ability to be an opposition party is, in a word, pathetic. When the poll came out saying that "Democrats stand for nothing more than opposing" Trump, I thought to myself, 'If only that were true!'" But they can't even do that well. It was as tone deaf (but honest) an answer as when Mother Jones writer Kevin Drum – as sycophantic a representative of the Democratic party in the punditocracy as there is – wrote about how people would have to be "crazy" not to "have a reflective disgust" of people who are homeless and mentally ill.

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Egypt says 30 suspected militants killed in Sinai raids

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 06:06 PM PDT

Egypt says 30 suspected militants killed in Sinai raidsEgyptian security forces killed 30 suspected militants in ground and air raids in North Sinai conducted over the past four days, the military said in a statement on Friday. Egypt faces an Islamist insurgency led by the Islamic State group in the Sinai Peninsula, where hundreds of soldiers and police have been killed since 2013. The military statement said 30 "highly dangerous" militants were killed and five others arrested in the raids, though it did not name a specific militant group or release names of those killed.

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Trump explain why Scaramucci backed other GOP candidates first

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Trump explain why Scaramucci backed other GOP candidates firstPresident Trump has given an explanation as to why his newly named communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, had backed GOP opponents Governor Scott Walker and Jeb Bush in the election primary, reports Politico.

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Hundreds of sheep killed after bear chases them over cliff

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 04:03 PM PDT

Hundreds of sheep killed after bear chases them over cliffMore than 200 sheep have died after they hurtled over the edge of a cliff in the Pyrenees mountains while being chased by a bear. Their deaths have reignited the bitter debate over the presence of bears in the mountain range that straddles the French-Spanish border, where they were reintroduced 20 years ago after disappearing in the early 1990s. The sheep belonged to a farmer in the Couflens area on the French side of the border, but their bodies were found last Sunday at the foot of a cliff just over the border in Spain. The rest of the large flock was missing after dispersing over the mountains while fleeing the attack. Local authorities sent experts to examine the scene during the week and they concluded that the sheep had been running away from a bear. The sheep's owner will be compensated for each of the 209 animals found dead,  which is standard practice in such cases as part of the deal made between the government and farmers when brown bears from Slovenia were introduced in the late 1990s. Firefighters rescue Dolly the sheep from 15ft fall into rock crevice 00:47 But the deaths provoked an angry statement from the militant Confédération Paysanne (Farmers' Federation) which demanded immediate action to stop deadly attacks by bears on livestock. "Pastoralism, which is a guarantor of biodiversity and of a living and welcoming mountain region, is not compatible with the reintroduction of large predators," it said in a statement. "The state, which is responsible for the reintroduction of the bears, should remove the ones that are causing problems and should not reintroduce any more bears," it said. The verbal protest was the latest battle in the long-running war between livestock farmers and animal conservationists who believe bears have their rightful pace in the mountain range. Herd of bison sees off pack of wolves in incredible footage 01:22 A similar battle is going on over the growing presence of wolves in France. On Thursday the government gave the green light for the cull of dozens of wolves in mountain areas, mostly in the southeast, where they have killed around 8,000 farm animals, mostly sheep, over the past year. The cull of up to 40 wolves by July next year represents a little over 10 percent of France's total wolf population. Wolves were eradicated in France in the 1930s but began to arrive back from Italy in the 1990s.

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6 of the most notable discoveries that have been revealed by melting ice

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 03:30 PM PDT

6 of the most notable discoveries that have been revealed by melting iceTwo frozen bodies uncovered in the Swiss Alps this week are only the latest secret shrinking glaciers around the world have given up.

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'You belong here' Germany tells Turks as row with Ankara rages

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 02:56 PM PDT

'You belong here' Germany tells Turks as row with Ankara ragesBy Thomas Escritt and Michelle Martin BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany sought on Saturday to reassure the country's 3 million people of Turkish descent it would stand by them as a row with Ankara escalates, saying they were not the target of changes to government policy on Turkey. In a letter published in German and Turkish in daily newspaper Bild, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said Germany had no quarrel with Turkish people in either country but could not stand by as "innocent" German citizens were jailed. On Friday, German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble compared Turkey's detention of six rights activists, including a German, to repression in former communist East Germany.

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This Is The Best Happy Hour Spot In Your State

Posted: 22 Jul 2017 02:23 PM PDT

This Is The Best Happy Hour Spot In Your State

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