dimanche 11 février 2018

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Recovery of French nun who visited Lourdes declared 70th miracle

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:37 PM PST

Recovery of French nun who visited Lourdes declared 70th miracleThe case of a French nun who recovered from a decades-old back problem that prevented her from walking normally has been recognised as the 70th miracle at France's fabled shrine of Lourdes, her church said Sunday. Sister Bernadette Moriau from northern France visited the holy spring in the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains in July 2008, then aged 69, seeking a cure to her ailment like millions of other pilgrims each year. Shortly after returning home, her chronic sciatica or pinched spinal nerve disappeared for the first time since her condition was diagnosed at the age of 27. Sister Bernadette had undergone four unsuccessful operations. "She experienced an unusual feeling of relaxation and heat in the whole of her body (and) heard a voice telling her to take off her equipment, the corset and the leg brace," said a statement from her Catholic parish in Beauvais in the north of France. After further examinations by doctors and three meetings of church figures in Lourdes, the medical committee in the town confirmed that Moriau's recovery could not be explained scientifically, the statement said. "Sister Bernadette Moriau now has a perfectly normal life," the committee's president Alessandro de Franciscis told AFP. "She is in very good health and herself visits the sick on a regular basis."

Trump's confidante Hope Hicks finds herself center stage in scandal

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 12:53 PM PST

Trump's confidante Hope Hicks finds herself center stage in scandalThroughout Donald Trump's campaign and relentlessly chaotic presidency, the single constant presence at his side, outside of his family, has been the 29-year-old former Ralph Lauren model and White House communications director Hope Hicks. While aides and advisers fall in and out of favor, Hicks has remained Trump's Oval Office gatekeeper, companion and sounding board, offering consistent loyalty. In one, Hicks features as a likely target in the special counsel Robert Mueller's effort to acquire cooperating witnesses in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

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Trump support vital as Congress tackles immigration issue

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:57 AM PST

Trump support vital as Congress tackles immigration issueWASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate will open up a rare, open-ended debate on immigration and the fate of the "Dreamer" immigrants on Monday. But the most influential voice in the conversation may be on the other side of Pennsylvania Avenue.

Friend or foe? Assad quietly aids Syrian Kurds against Turkey

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 09:00 AM PST

Friend or foe? Assad quietly aids Syrian Kurds against TurkeyBy Laila Bassam and Tom Perry ALEPPO, Syria/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria's U.S.-backed Kurds are getting indirect help from an unlikely source in their war against Turkey in the northwestern region of Afrin: President Bashar al-Assad. Pro-government forces and Kurdish-led forces have fought each other elsewhere in Syria and Damascus opposes the Kurds' demands for autonomy. Turkey, which regards the Kurdish YPG militia in Afrin as a threat on its southern border, launched an assault on the region last month.

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The Latest: Netanyahu: Strikes severe blows to Syria, Iran

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 07:20 AM PST

The Latest: Netanyahu: Strikes severe blows to Syria, IranJERUSALEM (AP) — The Latest on the escalation between Israel and Syria and Israel's offensive against Iranian targets in Syria (all times local):

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Professor caught saying he wouldn't mind seeing Trump 'dead'

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:16 AM PST

Professor caught saying he wouldn't mind seeing Trump 'dead'Northeastern professor apologized for comments about President Trump after facing backlash.

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Israeli strikes were 'heavy blow' to Iranian, Syrian forces: Netanyahu

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 05:00 AM PST

Israeli strikes were 'heavy blow' to Iranian, Syrian forces: NetanyahuPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that Israeli air strikes in Syria the previous day were a "heavy blow" to Iranian and Syrian forces in the war-torn country. "We inflicted on Saturday a heavy blow to Iranian and Syrian forces," Netanyahu said at the start of a cabinet meeting, referring to major Israeli air raids in Syria. Israel said its raids were against both Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria.

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France presses Russia over Syria as more die in besieged rebel area

Posted: 11 Feb 2018 01:34 AM PST

France presses Russia over Syria as more die in besieged rebel areaBy Dahlia Nehme and Matthias Blamont BEIRUT/PARIS (Reuters) - France urged Russia to make Syria's government ease a dire humanitarian crisis in two rebel-held areas as more air strikes pounded them on Friday, adding to the death toll from one of the deadliest weeks of the war. President Bashar al-Assad's army, which has seized a clear advantage in the war with Russian and Iranian help, is bombarding two of the last key rebel areas of Syria - Eastern Ghouta near Damascus and Idlib in the northwest near the Turkish border.

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US intelligence 'paid $100,000 to Russian who claimed to have compromising information on Trump but failed to provide it'

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 11:00 PM PST

US intelligence 'paid $100,000 to Russian who claimed to have compromising information on Trump but failed to provide it'A Russian who offered US intelligence officials stolen cyberweapons and compromising material on Donald Trump took $100,000 (£72,000) but failed to provide any of the promised goods, according to a New York Times report. Several US intelligence officials told the newspaper they were most interested in retrieving National Security Agency and Central Intelligence Agency hacking tools that were stolen in 2015 and had since been used to infect millions of computers around the world. The Russian claimed to have access to a computer code for the stolen cyberweapons as well as information that would link Mr Trump and his associates to Russia, according to the paper.

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Come visit: South Korea's leader invited to North Korea

Posted: 10 Feb 2018 09:35 PM PST

Come visit: South Korea's leader invited to North KoreaPYEONGCHANG, South Korea (AP) — A rare invitation to Pyongyang for South Korea's president marked Day Two of the North Korean Kim dynasty's southern road tour, part of an accelerating diplomatic thaw that included some Korean liquor over lunch and the shared joy of watching a "unified" Korea team play hockey at the Olympics.

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