jeudi 22 février 2018

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Donald Trump Proposes Pay Bonus For Armed Teachers

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:09 PM PST

Donald Trump Proposes Pay Bonus For Armed TeachersPresident Donald Trump doubled down on his suggestion that arming teachers could help prevent school shootings on Thursday, adding that those trained to use firearms could receive extra pay.

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'Walking Dead' Star Admits To That Eye-Opening Mistake

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 12:36 PM PST

'Walking Dead' Star Admits To That Eye-Opening MistakeAt this point in "The Walking Dead" timeline, longtime zombie hunter Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) could probably fire a weapon with his eyes closed, so the question is, uh, did he?

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NRA’s Wayne LaPierre: ‘Elites’ don’t care about school safety

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 10:17 AM PST

NRA's Wayne LaPierre: 'Elites' don't care about school safetyOn Thursday, Feb. 22, the National Rifle Association's executive vice president and CEO Wayne LaPierre spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference amid the nation's heated debate about gun control following the Parkland, Fla., school shooting. During his speech, LaPierre said "elites" don't care about school safety, and he called for more guns in schools.

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Mastermind of attacks on the South to head North Korean delegation to Olympic closing ceremony

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 08:08 AM PST

Mastermind of attacks on the South to head North Korean delegation to Olympic closing ceremonyPyongyang has announced that a hawkish general who is widely considered to have orchestrated a number of attacks on South Korea will lead the North Korean delegation to the closing ceremony of the Pyeonchang Winter Olympic Games on Sunday. General Kim Yong-chol presently serves as head of the Workers' Party United Front Department but previously oversaw the regime's shadowy Reconnaissance Bureau, the clandestine intelligence agency. South Korean intelligence believes Gen Kim masterminded the sinking of the South Korean corvette Cheonan off the west coast of the peninsula in March 2010, with the loss of 46 crew. Eight months later, North Korean artillery bombarded the island of Yeonpyeongdo, 50 miles west of the port city of Incheon, killing two South Korean soldiers and a further two civilians. The South Korean government has nevertheless confirmed that it will permit Pyongyang's eight-strong delegation to attend the ceremony and that Moon Jae-in, the South's president, will meet with them. Mr Moon will also meet Ivanka Trump, who is due to arrive in Seoul on Friday and will be heading the US officials at the closing ceremony. Despite suggestions that the event might be an opportunity for the two sides to talk, is unlikely that the US officials will agree to any such face-to-face meeting. At a glance | North Korean sanctions that were eased for Olympics Opposition parties in the South have expressed their outrage at that they see as Mr Moon kow-towing to the regime in Pyongyang. "The main culprit of the Cheonan's sinking can never set foot on the land of the Republic of Korea", Jun Hee-kyung, of the opposition Liberty Korea Party, said in a statement. Mrs Jun said North Korea's decision to send Gen Kim to the closing ceremony is "shameless" and a "rare humiliation" for the South. She added that the only way Gen Kim should be permitted to enter South Korea would be if he was coming to "kneel before our people", Yonhap news reported. Kim Hyun, a spokesman for the ruling Democratic Party, welcomed Pyongyang's announcement and said, "We expect this visit will contribute to easing tensions on the Korean Peninsula and moving inter-Korean relations forward". He added that he hopes the North's officials will meet with the US delegation that will be attending the ceremony and will include Ivanka Trump. North Korea war puff The White House confirmed on Wednesday that President Donald Trump has asked his eldest daughter to lead the "high-level delegation" to Pyeongchang. An official of the administration ruled out the possibility that Mrs Trump, who is due to arrive in South Korea on Friday, would meet with North Koreans during her three-day stay. Instead, she is scheduled to meet with female defectors from North Korea to hear about their experiences. It was revealed on  Tuesday that Mike Pence and North Korean officials had planned to meet secretly during his trip to the 2018 Winter Olympic Games, but Pyongyang scrapped the talks after the US vice president denounced abuses from the "murderous regime". In an interview printed on Thursday, Mr Moon declared that South Korea's relations with the US are "rock solid" and "as robust as ever", despite concerns that the apparent detante on the peninsula may be sidelining the US. He claimed that Mr Trump supports his efforts to engage North Korea in discussions, including a possible bilateral summit that Pyongyang has proposed.

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13-Year-Old Boy Dies After Shooting Himself in School Bathroom, Police Say

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 06:18 AM PST

13-Year-Old Boy Dies After Shooting Himself in School Bathroom, Police SayHe had fireworks and extra ammunition in his backpack, police said

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Florida Sheriff Rebukes NRA Spokeswoman Who Claims She's 'Fighting' For Shooting Survivors

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 05:31 AM PST

Florida Sheriff Rebukes NRA Spokeswoman Who Claims She's 'Fighting' For Shooting SurvivorsDuring a heated CNN-hosted town hall event on Wednesday night, National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch told survivors of the Parkland, Florida school shooting that she was "fighting" for them.

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50 Girls Are Still Missing After Another Boko Haram School Attack

Posted: 22 Feb 2018 02:10 AM PST

50 Girls Are Still Missing After Another Boko Haram School AttackWitnesses say they saw young girls being taken by the armed militants

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Iran’s Intensifying War with Israel

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 11:48 PM PST

Iran's Intensifying War with IsraelThe Trump administration should publicly warn Russia and Iran that the United States will respond forcefully to future threats in Syria. The February 10 military clash between Iran and Israel ushered in a new phase of the Syrian war. Iran for the first time challenged Israel directly instead of attacking indirectly through surrogates, such as Hezbollah.

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Republican congresswoman: Many mass murderers are Democrats

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 10:14 PM PST

Republican congresswoman: Many mass murderers are DemocratsALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — A Republican congresswoman from upstate New York said Wednesday that "many" people who commit mass murder turn out to be Democrats.

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Police: Officer shot, killed intervening in domestic dispute

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:49 PM PST

Police: Officer shot, killed intervening in domestic disputeBRANDYWINE, Md. (AP) — An off-duty police officer who answered a neighbor's request for help in a domestic dispute was shot and killed Wednesday in Maryland, officials said.

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Billy Graham preached simple message, reached millions

Posted: 21 Feb 2018 02:07 PM PST

Billy Graham preached simple message, reached millionsThe Rev. Billy Graham was anxious about his 1954 appearance at the London School of Economics. The school was left-leaning and openly dismissive of religion, and Graham was insecure — he had no advanced theology degree.

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