dimanche 12 mars 2017

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Yahoo! News - Latest News & Headlines

Rep. Steve King: ‘We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies’

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 03:19 PM PDT

Rep. Steve King: 'We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies'Congressman Steve King has a history of stirring controversy. Iowa Rep. Steve King is facing a fierce backlash over a tweet that critics say is an open embrace of white nationalism. On Sunday, King retweeted a political cartoon featuring Geert Wilders, a Dutch politician whose anti-Muslim rhetoric and blown-out hairstyle have drawn plenty of comparisons to Donald Trump.

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Putin aide: Russia impatient for improved dialogue with US

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 03:01 PM PDT

Putin aide: Russia impatient for improved dialogue with USA Russian government spokesman expressed impatience Sunday that bilateral relations with the United States have not improved more quickly since US President Donald Trump took office. Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said his country's government is eager for improved US-Russian relations, calling it "unpardonable not to be in dialogue," as Moscow presses the new US leader to make good on vows to improve ties. "We certainly would expect our contacts to be more frequent, more in-depth, in order to sit and then talk to each other... because we had quite a significant pause in our bilateral relations," Peskov said in an interview that aired Sunday on CNN's "GPS" program.

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Jordanian soldier who shot Israeli schoolgirls walks free from jail

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 02:46 PM PDT

Jordanian soldier who shot Israeli schoolgirls walks free from jailBy Suleiman Al-Khalidi AMMAN (Reuters) - A Jordanian soldier who killed seven Israeli schoolgirls has been freed after serving 20 years in prison, with many Jordanians celebrating his release and calling him a national hero, witnesses and family sources said on Sunday. Ahmad Daqamseh, 45, was taken to his family home in the village of Ibdir near the city of Irbid in northern Jordan where dozens of relatives and wellwishers gave him a rousing welcome. In July 1997, a five-member Jordanian military tribunal found Daqamseh guilty of opening fire on a group of Israeli schoolchildren and killing seven of them before soldiers seized him and rushed to help the victims.

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Facebook search traps Italian mobster in Mexico

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 02:29 PM PDT

Facebook search traps Italian mobster in MexicoA fugitive Italian mobster who had been living in Mexico under a false identity was behind bars Saturday after being tracked down on Facebook, police said. Giulio Perrone, who is in his mid-sixties, had been a fugitive since 1998, when his lawyers failed in a final appeal against a 22-year prison sentence for links to the Naples mafia, the Camorra, and international drug trafficking. Perrone disappeared the following year and had been unheard of until Italian police established, through Facebook, that he was living as Saverio Garcia Galiero, in Tampico, in the state of Tamaulipas in Mexico.

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Driving change: Travis Kalanick, the force behind Uber

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 02:10 PM PDT

Driving change: Travis Kalanick, the force behind UberUber's rise to the top of the ride-sharing industry is due in large part to its hard-charging founder and chief executive, Travis Kalanick. After a series of missteps and embarrassments for Uber and Kalanick, the San Francisco startup has acknowledged it is searching for a number-two executive to handle some of the day-to-day management tasks. Kalanick, 40, is known for taking a hard line in battles with regulators and taxi operators in markets opposing the entry of a new kind of competitor.

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Trump looking to Sarah Huckabee Sanders in tough moments

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 01:55 PM PDT

Trump looking to Sarah Huckabee Sanders in tough momentsWASHINGTON (AP) — Faced with aggressive on-air questioning about the president's wiretapping claims, Sarah Huckabee Sanders didn't flinch, she went folksy.

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Jordan releases soldier who killed 7 Israeli schoolgirls

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 01:39 PM PDT

Jordan releases soldier who killed 7 Israeli schoolgirlsA Jordanian soldier who shot dead seven Israeli schoolgirls in 1997 was released from prison Sunday after serving out his life sentence, sparking outrage from the families of those killed. In March 1997, Ahmad Dakamseh fired an automatic weapon at schoolgirls on a trip to the Jordan-Israel border, killing seven of them and wounding five others and a teacher. "He is now a free man," his cousin Mohammed Yahya Dakamseh told AFP by phone, saying he had been released at around 1:00 am after "he finished his jail term".

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Is Russia Threatening NATO In North Atlantic Region?

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 01:23 PM PDT

Is Russia Threatening NATO In North Atlantic Region?Both NATO and Russia have undergone massive military escalations in recent months with each side accusing the other of provocation.

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Puerto Rico governor ups revenue forecast in revised fiscal plan

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 01:06 PM PDT

Puerto Rico governor ups revenue forecast in revised fiscal planGovernor Ricardo Rossello's initial plan, presented on Feb. 28, was rejected by the board, which said it relied on overly optimistic baseline revenue and economic growth forecasts. The board must approve a turnaround blueprint for the island under the federal Puerto Rico rescue law known as PROMESA. Francisco Cimadevilla, a spokesman for the board, said the seven-member panel is still evaluating the new proposal and will not have any comment before a public hearing in New York on Monday.

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Slaying of thief fuels Italy's debate on legitimate defense

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 12:48 PM PDT

Slaying of thief fuels Italy's debate on legitimate defenseROME (AP) — Italian opposition politicians from the far right populist parties and other conservative forces on Sunday demanded a new law quickly on legitimate defense to protect law-abiding citizens.

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US officials probe CIA contractors after intelligence leaks

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 12:31 PM PDT

US officials probe CIA contractors after intelligence leaksUS authorities probing the recent leak of secret materials are focusing on past CIA contractors who may have been upset over job losses, the Wall Street Journal said Sunday. WikiLeaks delivered a blow to America's top spies by publishing earlier this month nearly 9,000 classified documents the anti-secrecy group said were part of the Central Intelligence Agency's entire arsenal of cyber-attack plans. The WikiLeaks dump has set off an intense probe into how the materials -- which detailed how the CIA focuses on breaking into personal electronics like smartphones -- got away from the agency.

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Defiant U.S. prosecutor fired by Trump administration

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 12:14 PM PDT

Defiant U.S. prosecutor fired by Trump administrationA prominent U.S. prosecutor said the Trump administration fired him on Saturday after he refused to step down, adding a discordant note to what is normally a routine changing of top attorneys when a new president takes office. New York U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara's defiant exit, first announced on Twitter, raised questions about President Donald Trump's ability to fill top jobs throughout his government. Trump has yet to put forward any candidates to serve as the nation's 93 district attorneys even as his Justice Department asked the 46 who have not yet quit to hand in their resignations on Friday.

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Now-fired Preet Bharara boasts of 'absolute independence'

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:57 AM PDT

Now-fired Preet Bharara boasts of 'absolute independence'NEW YORK (AP) — A defiant Manhattan federal prosecutor who says "absolute independence" was his touchstone for over seven years as he battled public corruption announced he was fired Saturday after he refused to resign.

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Judge: Revised Trump ban cannot be enforced on Syrian family

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:41 AM PDT

Judge: Revised Trump ban cannot be enforced on Syrian familyMADISON, Wis. (AP) — A federal judge on Friday blocked President Donald Trump's administration from enforcing his new travel ban against a Syrian family looking to escape their war-torn homeland by fleeing to Wisconsin.

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Turkey's Erdogan says Netherlands acting like a 'banana republic'

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:23 AM PDT

Turkey's Erdogan says Netherlands acting like a 'banana republic'By Tuvan Gumrukcu and Thomas Escritt ANKARA/ROTTERDAM (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday the Netherlands was acting like a "banana republic" and should face sanctions for barring Turkish ministers from speaking in Rotterdam, fuelling a row over Ankara's political campaigning abroad. Erdogan is looking to the large number of Turks living in Europe, especially in Germany and the Netherlands, to help secure victory next month in a referendum that would give the presidency sweeping new powers.

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Editor of The Nation on GOP health care bill: 'This is a betrayal of Trump's own voters'

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 11:06 AM PDT

Editor of The Nation on GOP health care bill: 'This is a betrayal of Trump's own voters'The powerhouse roundtable debates the week in politics on "This Week."

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Fillon's party apologizes for anti-Semitic attack on French rival Macron

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 10:47 AM PDT

Fillon's party apologizes for anti-Semitic attack on French rival MacronFrancois Fillon's party has apologized for tweeting a caricature of Emmanuel Macron, his main rival in the race to be France's next president, that Fillon himself admitted was anti-Semitic. Fillon's conservative The Republicans tweeted an image of the independent centrist Macron with a hooked nose, wearing a top hat and carrying a red sickle with which he was cutting a cigar. The image resembled anti-Semitic propaganda from World War Two when France's Vichy government collaborated with the Nazis and their deportation and extermination of Jews.

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South Korea's Moon vows 'new history' after impeachment

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 10:28 AM PDT

South Korea's Moon vows 'new history' after impeachmentThe front-runner to succeed South Korea's impeached president Park Geun-Hye on Sunday called for unity as the country writes a "new history", while hundreds gathered outside the home of the ousted leader in a show of support. The Constitutional Court on Friday upheld a parliamentary vote to impeach Park, effectively removing her from office over a corruption scandal involving her close friend. A presidential election is to be held within 60 days of the ruling, with local media suggesting May 9 as the most likely date.

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Fear and hunger in Iraq's west Mosul

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 10:13 AM PDT

Fear and hunger in Iraq's west MosulThe luckiest of west Mosul's residents under Islamic State group rule had tomato concentrate. In parts of Iraq's war-torn second city seized this week by Iraqi forces, hundreds of residents queued up behind a government truck as they waited for their first proper meal in weeks. "We have been under siege for more than six months on this side" of Mosul, said Khaled Meshaal, a resident of Al-Mansur district, which government forces took on Wednesday.

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Garbage dump landslide in Ethiopia

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 09:58 AM PDT

Garbage dump landslide in EthiopiaA landslide swept through a massive garbage dump on the outskirts of Ethiopia's capital, killing at least 35 people and leaving several dozen missing, residents said, as officials vowed to relocate those who called the landfill home.

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Iraq forces advance in Mosul as IS resistance 'weakens'

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 09:28 AM PDT

Iraq forces advance in Mosul as IS resistance 'weakens'Iraqi special forces battling the Islamic State group on Friday pushed deeper into west Mosul, where a commander said jihadist resistance is showing signs of weakening under repeated assaults. The jihadists are also facing simultaneous offensives in Syria by government forces, Turkish-backed rebels and a US-supported alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters, piling more pressure on IS. Iraq's Counter-Terrorism Service attacked the Al-Amil al-Oula neighbourhood of west Mosul early on Friday, and were battling the jihadists inside it, said Staff Major General Maan al-Saadi, a CTS commander.

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Corruption cases in China jumped one-third in 2016

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 09:10 AM PDT

Corruption cases in China jumped one-third in 2016The number of corruption cases heard by Chinese courts jumped by about one-third last year, as the country's top prosecutor vowed on Sunday there would be no let up in China's campaign against deep-seated graft. Since assuming office more than four years ago, President Xi Jinping has waged war on corruption, warning, like others before him, that the problem is so bad it could affect the ruling Communist Party's grip on power. Dozens of senior figures have been jailed for corruption and abusing their positions, including a once powerful domestic security chief, Zhou Yongkang.

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Trump to ask Merkel for advice on Putin, Ukraine: U.S. officials

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:51 AM PDT

Trump to ask Merkel for advice on Putin, Ukraine: U.S. officialsBy Steve Holland and Roberta Rampton WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump will ask Chancellor Angela Merkel for advice on how to deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S. officials said on Friday, as the U.S. and German leaders meet next week after sometimes pointed disagreements in recent months. Merkel will visit the White House on Tuesday for talks with Trump and a joint news conference in what will be their first face-to-face meeting since the new U.S. president took power on Jan. 20.

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Life with a parrot in Istanbul

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:36 AM PDT

Life with a parrot in IstanbulForty-three-year-old background actor Nazim Cihan's parrot, Pasha, attracts people's attention in Istanbul. Cihan, an Ottoman Empire enthusiast, wears Ottoman-style clothes in his daily life.

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More great white sharks appear to be visiting off Cape Cod

Posted: 12 Mar 2017 08:18 AM PDT

More great white sharks appear to be visiting off Cape CodBOSTON (AP) — Great white sharks are discovering what tourists have known for years: Cape Cod is a great place to spend the summer.

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